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Misas sábados en Pacific


Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao)

Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus (Ganjuran)

Mater Dei (Lampersari)

Santa Anna (Duren Sawit)

Santa Maria Tak Bercela (Surabaya)

Santo Athanasius (Karangpanas)

Santo Lukas (Sunter Agung)

Santo Yohanes Penginjil (Kebayoran)

St Aloysius Gonzaga (Surabaya)

St Marinus Yohanes (Surabaya)


Hati Kudus (Palembang)

Kapel Hati Kudus Yesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus Chapel of St Borromeo)

Maria Bunda Perantara (Cideng)


Stella Maris (Pluit)


Bunda Hati Kudus (Kemakmuran)

Cathedral Basílica Dulce Nombre de María (Hagåtña)

Chapel of the Annunciation of Mary (Student church)

Katedral Santo Petrus (Bandung)

Kristus Salvator (Slipi)

Maria Bunda Karmel (Tomang)

Maria Bunda Segala Bangsa (South Kuta)

Sacred Heart (Makassar)

Santa Maria de Fatima (Toasebo)

Santa Melania (Bandung)

Santa Perawan Maria Ratu (Kebayoran)

Santo Andreas (Kedoya)

Santo Bonaventura (Pulomas)

Santo Matias Rasul (Kosambi)

St Anthony (Guam)

St Maria Diangkat ke Surga (Jakarta Cathedral)

St Odilia (Cicadas)

同安街聖若瑟天主堂 (St Joseph Zhongzheng)

大浦 (St John Ōura)

水主町 (St Marina of Omura Kakomachi)

浦上 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Urakami)

深堀 (Assumption Hukahori)

飽の浦 (St Joseph Akunoura)


Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao)


Immaculate Heart of Mary (Serangoon District)

Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (Seria)

仁川教会 (Nigawa Osaka)


瀬田教会 (St Anthony of Padua Seta Tokyo)


Divine Mercy (East District)

Holy Family (East District)

Holy Trinity (East District)

Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria (Surabaya)

Our Lady Star of the Sea (North District)

Our Lady of Guadalupe (Santa Rita-Sumai)

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (East District)

Risen Christ (North District)

Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word (Metro Manila)

St Anne (Serangoon District)

St Francis Xavier (Serangoon District)

St Francis of Assisi (West District)

St Joseph (North District)

St Michael (City District)

St Stephen (East District)

三軒茶屋教会 (Ss Peter & Paul Sangenjaya Tokyo)

上野毛教会のホ (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kaminoge Tokyo)

下井草教会 (Mary Help of Christians Shimoigusa Tokyo)

中町 (St Thomas Nishi and Fifteen Martyrs Middle town)

初台教会 (St Alfonso Maria de Rigori Hatsudai Tokyo)

時津 (26 Martyrs of Japan Tokitatsu)

板橋教会 (St Elizabeth Itabashi Tokyo)

西町 (St Pius X Nishimachi)

赤羽教会 (Our Lady of the Assumption Akabane Tokyo)

高円寺教会 (St John Maria Vianney Koenji Tokyo)


祇園教会 (Holy Spirit Gion)

聖家堂 (Holy Family Da’an)

足立教会 (Guardian Angels Adachi Tokyo)


St Mary of the Angels (West District)


Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Cubao)

Franciscan Chapel Center (Roppongi Tokyo)

Holy Rosary (Nankang)

Holy Spirit (North District)

Kuting Sacred Heart (Chung Cheng)

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Serangoon District)

Our Lady of Assumption (Lomary)

Our Lady of Remedies (Malate)

Sacred Heart (City District)

St Ignatius (West District)

St Theresia (Jakarta Pusat)

St Vincent de Paul (Serangoon District)

カトリック北一条教会 (Cathedral of Guardian Angels)

今市教会 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Imaichi Osaka)

六甲教会 (Rokko Kobe)

吹田教会 (Suita Osdaka)

夙川教会 (Shukugawa Osaka)

大和教会 (Yamato)

大森教会 (Epiphany of the Lord Omori Tokyo)

大阪カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂 (Cathedral of Immaculate Conception Tamatsukuri)

天母天主堂 (Mother of God Shihlin)

小岩教会 (St Boniface Koiwa Tokyo)

尼崎教会 (St Paul Amagasaki Osaka)

幟町教会 世界平和記念聖堂 (Nobomachi Memorial for World Peace)

田園調布教会 (St Francis of Assisi Denenchofu Tokyo)

甲子園教会 (St Francis Yoshi Koshien Osaka)

碑文谷教会 (Santamaria of Edo Himonya Tokyo)

若望鮑思高天主堂 (St John Bosco Songshan)

萬大路玫瑰聖母堂 (Holy Rosary Wanhua)

通化街聖玫瑰堂 (Holy Rosary Da’an)

阿倍野教会 (Our Lady of the Assumption Abeno Osaka)

高輪教会 (Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Takanawa Tokyo)

麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo)

麻布教会 (Sacred Heart of Jesus Azabu Tokyo)


Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Manila)

Christ the King (North District)

Miraculous Medal (Miraculous Medal Da’an)

Ren Ai (St Newman Da’an)

St Brigid (Marrickville)

St Joachim (Victoria Park)

住吉教会 (St Paul Miki Sumiyoshi)

南松山始胎無玷天主堂 (Our Lady of Songshan Taipei)

大阪梅田教会 (Holy Family Umeda Osaka)

本郷教会 (St Peter Hongo Tokyo)

目黒教会 (St Anselm Meguro Tokyo)

聯合新村中華之后天主堂 (Our Lady Queen of China Songshan)


Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Perth)

Cathedral of St Mary (Port Moresby)

Cathedral of St Patrick (East Melbourne)

Holy Cross (West District)

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (Maylands)

Our Lady of Remedies (Malate)

Sacred Heart (Highgate Perth)

Sacred Heart (Ponsonby)

St Augustine of Hippo (Balmain)

St Francis (Melbourne)

St Mary (North Sydney)

St Patrick (Church Hill)

住之江教会 (St Paul Suminoe Osaka)

富錦街法蒂瑪聖母天主堂 (Our Lady of Fatima Songshan)

戸部カトリック教会 (St Francisco Zapiel Tobe Yokohama)

華山救世主堂 (Our Saviour Zhongzheng)


St Joseph (Grey Lynn)


Blessed Sacrament (West District)

Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph (Auckland Central)

Immaculate Conception (Solevu)

St James (Forest Lodge)

St Joseph (Camperdown)

St Pius X (Raiwaqa)

教会概要 (Sacred Heart Hatsukaichi)


Cathedral of St Mary (Sydney)

Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Middle Park)

St Brigid (Dickson)

St John the Baptist (Auckland)

St Joseph (Rozelle)

カトリック新子安教会 (Shinkoyasu Yokohama)

東長崎 (Immaculate Heart of Mary East Nagasaki)

浜松教会 (St Francisco of Assisi Hamamatsu)

滑石教会 (St Paul Apostle Nameshi Nagasaki)

芦屋教会 (Sacred Heart Ashiya Osaka)


St Mary Star of the Sea (West Melbourne)

St Peter (Surry Hills)

カトリック二俣川教会 (22 Japanese Martyrs Futamatagawa Yokohama)

北町教会 (St Andrew Kitamachi Tokyo)


Cathedral of St Mary (Sydney)

St Patrick (Church Hill)

麹町聖イグナチオ (St Ignatius Kojimachi Tokyo)


St Peter Julian (Blessed Sacrament Haymarket)


St Alphonsus (Novena Church)

聖多福天主堂 (St Christopher Chungshan)


St Francis (Melbourne)