10:30 (Véspera) |
Italiano |
كنيسة العائلة المقدسة الكاثوليكية (Holy Family Maadi) |
11:00 (Véspera) |
Mater Doloroso (Kensington) |
15:00 (Véspera) |
Chapelle (Tiaret) |
Chapelle St Joseph (Béjaïa) |
15:30 (Véspera) |
Sacre Coeur (Riviere des Anguilles) |
16:00 (Véspera) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Beau Bassin-Rose Hill) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Reunion) |
Notre Dame de l'Assomption (Saint-Denis) |
Notre Dame de la Trinité (Saint-Denis) |
Notre Dame de l’Assomption (Anse La Reunion La Digue) |
Notre Dame des Douleurs (Anse Boileau Mahé) |
Our Lady of the Rosary (Ruyterwacht) |
St Francois D`Assise (Pamplemousses) |
St Joseph Travailleur (Anse Royale Mahé) |
St Sauveur (Bambous) |
Jan-Jun |
St François d’Assise (Baie Lazare Mahé) |
Jul-Dec |
Ste Marie Madeleine (Takamaka Mahé) |
16:30 (Véspera) |
Bon Pasteur (Mont Fleuri Mahé) |
Notre Dame des Anges (Mahebourg) |
Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus (Plaisance Mahé) |
St André (Cascade Mahé) |
St Michel Archange (Anse aux Pins Mahé) |
St Patrick (Rose-Hill) |
St Roch (Bel Ombre Mahé) |
Ste Claire (Goodlands) |
17:00 (Véspera) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Mahé) |
Cathedral of the Holy Ghost (Mombasa) |
Chapelle (Tlemcen) |
Holy Trinity (Kileleshwa) |
Our Lady of Consolata (Nairobi) |
Sacré Coeur (Gombe) |
Sacré Coeur de Jésus (La Misere Mahé) |
Saint Coeur de Marie (Port Mathurin Rodrigues) |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Gihosha) |
Ss Pierre et Paul (Port Glaud Mahé) |
St Jacques (Souillac) |
St Michael (Rondebosch) |
St Michel (Bujumbura) |
Français |
Cathédrale Regina Mundi (Bujumbura) |
English |
Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Luanda) |
2º sáb, Español |
كاتدرائية القديس فنسون دو بول والقديسة أوليفيا (Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul Tunis) |
English |
كنيسة العائلة المقدسة الكاثوليكية (Holy Family Maadi) |
Français |
كنيسة القديس أغسطينوس و القديس فيديليس بحلق الواد (St Augustin et St Fidèle La Goulette) |
17:30 (Véspera) |
Cathedral of the Holy Family (Nairobi) |
Cathédrale Sainte Marie (Conakry) |
Cathédrale St Louis (Port Louis) |
Corpus Christi (Wynberg) |
Good Shepherd (Siteki) |
Immaculate Conception (Highlands) |
Mater Dolorosa (Mbabane) |
Notre Dame de l'Assomption (Bizerte) |
Notre Dame du Mont Carmel (Chemin Grenier) |
Our Lady of Good Hope (Sea Point) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Adams Circle) |
Our Lady of the Rosary (Nairobi) |
Our Lady of the Visitation (Constantia) |
Saint Sauveur (Nyakabiga) |
St Anne (Central Johannesburg) |
St Anthony (Coronationville) |
St Austin (Nairobi) |
St Charles Borromeo (Victory Park North Johannesburg) |
St Francis Xavier (Martindale) |
St Francis Xavier (Parklands) |
St Francis of Assisi (Yeoville) |
St Ignatius (Lusaka) |
St Joseph (Goodwood) |
St Luke (Factreton) |
St Paul (Benin City) |
English |
Cathedral of Our Lady of Assumption (Manzini) |
Jul-Dec |
St François d’Assise (Baie Lazare Mahé) |
Jan-Jun |
Ste Marie Madeleine (Takamaka Mahé) |
17:45 (Véspera) |
Chapel of St Paul (Nairobi) |
18:00 (Véspera) |
Capelle St Michel (Dzaoudzi) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires (Yaoundé) |
Cathédrale de St Denis (Saint-Denis) |
Chapelle de Croix Glorieuse (Accart-Ville Bobo-Dioulasso) |
Don Bosco Shrine Mary of Help of Christians (Nairobi) |
Eglise d'Anfa Maârif (Casablanca) |
Immaculate Conception (Rosebank) |
Immaculate Conception (Aswan) |
Mater Doloroso (Kensington) |
Most Holy Redeemer (Bergvliet) |
Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Sé Catedral (Maputo) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Beau Bassin-Rose Hill) |
Notre Dame de la Tendresse (Cocody) |
Saint Bernard (El Jadida) |
Saint Laurent de Yop Koute (Abidjan) |
Sainte Anne (Agadir) |
San Bartolomé (Asilah) |
Santiago el Mayor (Nador) |
St Margaret Mary (Green Point) |
St Marien Kathedrale (Cathedral of St Mary Windhoek) |
Star of the Sea (Bakau) |
كنيسة سان انطوان للفرنسسكان باكوس (St Anthony of Padua Alexandria) |
كنيسة سانت تريزا (Basilica of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus) |
1st Sat, English |
Basilique Notre Dame D'Afrique (Algiers) |
winter |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
English |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
winter |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
Italiano |
St Joseph (Zamalek) |
Français |
كاتدرائية البازيليك بهليوبليس مصر الجديدة (Basilica Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral) |
l'hiver |
كنيسة الحمامات (Bienheureux Antoine Neyrot Hammamet) |
Français |
كنيسة القلب المقدس (Sacred Heart Alexandria) |
Français |
كنيسة قلب يسوع (Cordi Jesu Cairo) |
18:15 (Véspera) |
كنيسة القديس فيلكس (St Felix Sousse) |
18:30 (Véspera) |
Cathedral de St Pierre (Rabat) |
Cathédrale Saint Esprit (Tanger) |
Cathédrale Sainte Anne (Gagnoa) |
Cathédrale du Souvenir Africain (Dakar) |
Christ Roi (Kenitra) |
Holy Martyrs (Marrakesh) |
Notre Dame des Anges (Ouakam) |
Saint Pierre des Baobabs (Dakar) |
Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul (Sfax) |
St Anthony (Kololi) |
St Dominique (Dakar) |
St Joseph (Médina) |
St Maria Goretti (Riverlea) |
St Therese (Kanifing) |
São Francisco Xavier (Luanda) |
أبرشية ڨابس (L’Immaculee Conception Gabes) |
كاتدرائية القديس سبريان (St Cyprien of Carthage La Marsa) |
summer |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
Português |
Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Luanda) |
summer |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
Français |
Saint André de Saaba (Ouagadougou) |
Italiano |
St Joan of Arc (Tunis) |
Français |
St Pierre (Goughin) |
Français |
كاتدرائية القديس فنسون دو بول والقديسة أوليفيا (Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul Tunis) |
Français |
كنيسة العائلة المقدسة الكاثوليكية (Holy Family Maadi) |
19:00 (Véspera) |
Bon Pastor (Abidjan) |
Cathédrale Saint Louis (St Louis) |
Nossa Senhora da Candelária (Sé Catedral Bissau) |
Notre Dame de la Victoire (Tetouan) |
Saint Paul des Lauriers (Faya) |
Sainte Anne de Port-Bouët (Abidjan) |
Sainte Thérese de Marcory (Abidjan) |
St Louis (Oujda) |
Français |
Cathédrale de Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours (Niamey) |
l'été |
كنيسة الحمامات (Bienheureux Antoine Neyrot Hammamet) |
05:30 |
mooré |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
mooré |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
mooré |
St Pierre (Goughin) |
06:00 |
Annunciation (Abuja) |
Cathédrale du Sacré Coeur de Jésus (Lomé) |
Holy Family (Abuja) |
Holy Rosary (Wuse) |
Immaculée Conception de Nyékonakpoè (Lomé) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Reunion) |
St Dominic (Yaba) |
St Ephraim (Abuja) |
St Pierre Apôtre de Bassadji (Lomé) |
Twelve Apostles (Abuja) |
Kirundi |
Cathédrale Regina Mundi (Bujumbura) |
Kirundi |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Gihosha) |
Kirundi |
Saint Sauveur (Nyakabiga) |
06:15 |
Assumption (Falomo) |
Divine Mercy (Lekki) |
Our Lady of Fatima (Aguda Surulere) |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
06:30 |
Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires (Yaoundé) |
Christ the King (Cantonments) |
Maula Cathedral (Lilongwe) |
Notre Dame des Anges (Mahebourg) |
Sainte Anne de Port-Bouët (Abidjan) |
Sainte Thérese de Marcory (Abidjan) |
St Charles Borromeo (Victory Park North Johannesburg) |
St Michel (Bujumbura) |
St Paul (Chipata Compound) |
St Paul (Benin City) |
St Peter Claver (Lagos) |
São Francisco Xavier (Luanda) |
São Paulo (Luanda) |
Yoruba |
Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Lagos) |
Jula |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Lourdes (Bobo-Dioulasso) |
Kiswahili |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (South B) |
Amharic |
ቅዱስ ገብርኤል ቤተክርስትያን (St Gabriel Gulele) |
Amharic |
የቅዱስ ሚካኤል ካቶሊክ ቤተ ክርስቲያን (St Michael Gerji) |
06:45 |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Miséricorde (Cotonou) |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Cotonou) |
Saint Laurent de Yop Koute (Abidjan) |
São Pedro Apostólo (Luanda) |
07:00 |
Ascension (Lagos) |
Assumption of Mary (Umoja One) |
Bon Pasteur (Mont Fleuri Mahé) |
Bon Pastor (Abidjan) |
Cathedral of Christ the King (Berea) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Mahé) |
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption (Banjul) |
Cathedral of St Gabriel (Rodrigues Island) |
Cathedral of St Theresa (Livingstone) |
Cathedral of the Child Jesus (Lusaka) |
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Adabraka) |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Harare) |
Cathédrale Saints Pierre et Paul (Parakou) |
Christ the King (Kaunda Square) |
Most Holy Redeemer (Bergvliet) |
Notre Dame de la Tendresse (Cocody) |
Notre Dame de la Trinité (Saint-Denis) |
Notre Dame du Mont Carmel (Chemin Grenier) |
Nuestra Señora de Nazaret (Luanda) |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (Lekki) |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Harare) |
Saint Coeur de Marie (Port Mathurin Rodrigues) |
Saint Esprit (La Ferme Rodrigues) |
Saint Esprit de Mvolye (Yaoundé) |
Saint Paul des Lauriers (Faya) |
Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus (Plaisance Mahé) |
St Ignatius (Lusaka) |
St Joseph (Terre-Rouge) |
St Jude (Donholm) |
St Patrick (Rose-Hill) |
St Sauveur (Bambous) |
St Stephen (Lagos) |
St Therese (Kanifing) |
St Thomas Aquinas (Legon) |
1st 3rd Sun Français |
Assumption (Falomo) |
Swahili |
Cathedral of St Joseph (Dar es Salaam) |
Kiswahil |
Cathedral of the Holy Family (Nairobi) |
Kiswahili |
Cathedral of the Holy Ghost (Mombasa) |
Malgache |
Cathedrale de Andohalo (Cathedral of the Immaculée Conception) |
Lingala |
Cathédrale Ste Anne (Kinshasa) |
Zarma |
Cathédrale de Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours (Niamey) |
mooré |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
Luganda |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
English |
Holy Cross (Maputo) |
Kiswahili |
Holy Trinity (Kileleshwa) |
mooré |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
Luganda |
Our Lady of Africa (Mbuya Hill) |
Kiswahili |
Our Lady of Consolata (Nairobi) |
Kiswahili |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Adams Circle) |
Lingala |
Sacré Coeur (Gombe) |
mooré |
Saint André de Saaba (Ouagadougou) |
Luganda |
St Charles Lwanga (Ntinda) |
English |
St Francis de Sales (Lusaka) |
mooré |
St Pierre (Goughin) |
07:15 |
Don Bosco Shrine Mary of Help of Christians (Nairobi) |
07:30 |
Annunciation (Abuja) |
Cathedrale Notre Dame Mediatrice (Matadi) |
Cathédrale Sainte Anne (Gagnoa) |
Cathédrale du Souvenir Africain (Dakar) |
Chapel of St Paul (Nairobi) |
Holy Trinity (Central Johannesburg) |
Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Sé Catedral (Maputo) |
Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Luanda) |
Notre Dame des Anges (Ouakam) |
Saint Pierre des Baobabs (Dakar) |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
St Dominic (Yaba) |
St Jean Bosco (Pointe La Rue Mahé) |
St Michael (Rondebosch) |
Amharic,Ge'ez rite |
ገዳመ ቅዱስ ዮሴፍ ዘሲታውያን (Cistercian Monastery of St Joseph) |
English |
Cathedral of Christ the King (Gaborone) |
siSwati |
Cathedral of Our Lady of Assumption (Manzini) |
Amharic |
Cathedral of the Navitity of the BVM (Addis Ababa) |
Amharic,Ge'ez rite |
Mary Help of Christians (Mekanissa) |
Lingala |
Notre Dame de Fatima (Kinshasa) |
Français |
St Joseph (Cairo) |
English |
St Marien Kathedrale (Cathedral of St Mary Windhoek) |
Amharic, Geez Rite |
መንፈስ ቅዱስ አዳኝ ቤተ ክርስቲያን (Holy Savior) |
Amharic, Ge'ez rite |
ቅዱስ ገብርኤል ቤተክርስትያን (St Gabriel Gulele) |
Amharic, Ge'ez rite |
የቅዱስ ሚካኤል ካቶሊክ ቤተ ክርስቲያን (St Michael Gerji) |
07:45 |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
08:00 |
Assumption (Falomo) |
Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Lagos) |
Cathedral of the Holy Family (Nairobi) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires (Yaoundé) |
Cathédrale St Louis (Port Louis) |
Cathédrale de St Denis (Saint-Denis) |
Cathédrale du Sacré Coeur de Jésus (Lomé) |
Christ the King (Cantonments) |
Corpus Christi (Wynberg) |
Divine Mercy (Lekki) |
Holy Family (Abuja) |
Holy Rosary (Wuse) |
Immaculate Conception (Rosebank) |
Immaculée Conception de Nyékonakpoè (Lomé) |
Marie Reine (Poudre d'Or) |
Mater Doloroso (Kensington) |
Maula Cathedral (Lilongwe) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Beau Bassin-Rose Hill) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Reunion) |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (South B) |
Our Lady of Fatima (Aguda Surulere) |
Our Lady of Good Hope (Sea Point) |
Our Lady of the Rosary (Nairobi) |
Our Lady of the Rosary (Ruyterwacht) |
Sacré Coeur de Jésus (La Misere Mahé) |
St Catherine of Siena (Nairobi) |
St Charles Borromeo (Victory Park North Johannesburg) |
St Francis Xavier (Parklands) |
St Francois D`Assise (Pamplemousses) |
St Joseph (Goodwood) |
St Michel (Bujumbura) |
St Therese (Kanifing) |
São Francisco Xavier (Luanda) |
São Paulo (Luanda) |
Twelve Apostles (Abuja) |
English |
Cathedral of the Holy Ghost (Mombasa) |
Shona |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Harare) |
English |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
2nd Sun |
Mary Mother of Good Counsel (Airport West) |
English |
Mater Dolorosa (Mbabane) |
Kiswahili |
Saint Sauveur (Nyakabiga) |
alternate Sundays |
Sainte Famille de Nazareth (Grand Anse Mahé) |
alternate Sundays |
Ss Pierre et Paul (Port Glaud Mahé) |
Shona |
St Augustine (Hatcliffe) |
Kiswahili |
St Austin (Nairobi) |
Shona |
St Cecilia (Borrowdale) |
Jul-Dec |
St François d’Assise (Baie Lazare Mahé) |
English |
St Gerard (Borrowdale) |
Jan-Jun |
Ste Marie Madeleine (Takamaka Mahé) |
Français |
كنيسة العائلة المقدسة الكاثوليكية (Holy Family Maadi) |
08:15 |
St Ignatius (Lusaka) |
Français |
Cathédrale Regina Mundi (Bujumbura) |
Français |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Gihosha) |
children |
Twelve Apostles (Abuja) |
08:30 |
Cathedral of St Theresa (Livingstone) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Miséricorde (Cotonou) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de l’Assomption (Cathedral St Marie Libreville) |
Holy Family (Serrekunda) |
Holy Trinity (Kileleshwa) |
Mary Mother of Good Counsel (Airport West) |
Nossa Senhora da Candelária (Sé Catedral Bissau) |
Notre Dame de l’Assomption (Anse La Reunion La Digue) |
Notre Dame du Mont Carmel (Chemin Grenier) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Adams Circle) |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Cotonou) |
Sainte Anne de Port-Bouët (Abidjan) |
Sainte Thérese de Marcory (Abidjan) |
St Anne (Central Johannesburg) |
St Dominique (Dakar) |
St Ephraim (Abuja) |
St Joseph (Terre-Rouge) |
St Kizitos (Bakoteh) |
St Paul (Chipata Compound) |
English |
Cathedral of St Joseph (Dar es Salaam) |
Nyanja |
Cathedral of the Child Jesus (Lusaka) |
Français |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Lourdes (Bobo-Dioulasso) |
English |
St Charles Lwanga (Ntinda) |
Vern |
St Francis de Sales (Lusaka) |
Arabic |
St Joseph (Zamalek) |
Français |
St Joseph (Cairo) |
Français |
كنيسة القلب الأقدس للاجئين السودانيين (Sacred Heart Abbyssia) |
Arabic |
كنيسة قلب يسوع (Cordi Jesu Cairo) |
09:00 |
Annunciation (Abuja) |
Ascension (Lagos) |
Assumption of Mary (Umoja One) |
Bon Pasteur (Mont Fleuri Mahé) |
Bon Pastor (Abidjan) |
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (Mahé) |
Cathedral of St Gabriel (Rodrigues Island) |
Cathédrale Saints Pierre et Paul (Parakou) |
Cathédrale du Souvenir Africain (Dakar) |
Chapel of St Paul (Nairobi) |
Mary Mother of Good Counsel (Airport West) |
Monastère Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (Casablanca) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Casablanca) |
Notre Dame de l'Assomption (Saint-Denis) |
Notre Dame de la Tendresse (Cocody) |
Notre Dame de la Trinité (Saint-Denis) |
Notre Dame des Douleurs (Anse Boileau Mahé) |
Notre Dame d’Egypte (Jesuits) |
Nuestra Señora de Nazaret (Luanda) |
Our Lady Star of the Sea (Lekki) |
Our Lady of Consolata (Nairobi) |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Harare) |
Our Lady of the Visitation (Constantia) |
Saint Esprit (La Ferme Rodrigues) |
Saint Laurent de Yop Koute (Abidjan) |
Saint Paul des Lauriers (Faya) |
Saint Pierre (Baie aux Huîtres Rodrigues) |
Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus (Plaisance Mahé) |
Santiago Apóstol y Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Bata) |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
St André (Cascade Mahé) |
St Anthony (Coronationville) |
St Dominic (Yaba) |
St Francis Xavier (Martindale) |
St Francis of Assisi (Yeoville) |
St Jacques (Souillac) |
St Joseph (Praslin) |
St Joseph Travailleur (Anse Royale Mahé) |
St Margaret Mary (Green Point) |
St Michael (Rondebosch) |
St Michel Archange (Anse aux Pins Mahé) |
St Paul (Benin City) |
St Pierre Apôtre de Bassadji (Lomé) |
St Stephen (Lagos) |
St Thomas Aquinas (Legon) |
كنيسة سانت تريزا (Basilica of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus) |
English |
Cathedral of Our Lady of Assumption (Manzini) |
Kiswahili |
Cathedral of the Holy Ghost (Mombasa) |
Français |
Cathédrale de Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours (Niamey) |
Français |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
Luganda |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
Français |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
English |
Our Lady of Africa (Mbuya Hill) |
Français |
Saint André de Saaba (Ouagadougou) |
English |
St François d'Assise (Rabat) |
Kiswahili |
St Jude (Donholm) |
Français |
St Pierre (Goughin) |
Italiano |
كاتدرائية القديس فنسون دو بول والقديسة أوليفيا (Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul Tunis) |
09:10 |
Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Lagos) |
09:15 |
Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires (Yaoundé) |
Don Bosco Shrine Mary of Help of Christians (Nairobi) |
St Roch (Bel Ombre Mahé) |
São Pedro Apostólo (Luanda) |
Deutsch |
St Markus (German community Cairo) |
09:30 |
Capelle St Michel (Dzaoudzi) |
Cathedral of Christ the King (Berea) |
Cathedral of Sacred Heart (Algiers) |
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Adabraka) |
Cathédrale Sainte Anne (Gagnoa) |
Cathédrale St Louis (Port Louis) |
Christ the King (Kaunda Square) |
Coeur Immaculé de Marie (Belle Vue Maurel) |
Holy Trinity (Central Johannesburg) |
Immaculée Conception de Nyékonakpoè (Lomé) |
Mater Doloroso (Kensington) |
Most Holy Redeemer (Bergvliet) |
Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Luanda) |
Notre Dame de Fatima (Mamadzou) |
Notre Dame des Anges (Ouakam) |
Sacre Coeur (Riviere des Anguilles) |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Cotonou) |
San Francisco (M'diq) |
St Joseph (Médina) |
St Luke (Factreton) |
St Peter Claver (Lagos) |
Ste Claire (Goodlands) |
São Paulo (Luanda) |
كنيسة القديس فيلكس (St Felix Sousse) |
Kiswahil |
Cathedral of the Holy Family (Nairobi) |
Latin |
Cathédrale Ste Anne (Kinshasa) |
English |
Holy Cross (Maputo) |
English |
Immaculate Conception (Highlands) |
Kiswahili |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (South B) |
Français |
Sacré Coeur (Gombe) |
alternate Sundays |
Sainte Famille de Nazareth (Grand Anse Mahé) |
alternate Sundays |
Ss Pierre et Paul (Port Glaud Mahé) |
Jan-Jun |
St François d’Assise (Baie Lazare Mahé) |
Français |
St Joan of Arc (Tunis) |
Deutsch |
St Marien Kathedrale (Cathedral of St Mary Windhoek) |
Jul-Dec |
Ste Marie Madeleine (Takamaka Mahé) |
09:45 |
Our Lady of Fatima (Aguda Surulere) |
Yoruba |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
NOT summer |
St Pie X (Rabat) |
10:00 |
Assumption (Falomo) |
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption (Banjul) |
Cathedral of St Theresa (Livingstone) |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Harare) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Miséricorde (Cotonou) |
Cathédrale Saint Louis (St Louis) |
Cathédrale Sainte Marie (Conakry) |
Cathédrale de St Denis (Saint-Denis) |
Cathédrale du Sacré Coeur de Jésus (Lomé) |
Corpus Christi (Wynberg) |
Holy Cross (Brusubi) |
Holy Name (Observatory) |
Holy Trinity (Kileleshwa) |
Nossa Senhora da Candelária (Sé Catedral Bissau) |
Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Sé Catedral (Maputo) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Beau Bassin-Rose Hill) |
Our Lady of Good Hope (Sea Point) |
Our Lady of the Rosary (Nairobi) |
Saint Pierre des Baobabs (Dakar) |
Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul (Sfax) |
Sainte Anne (Agadir) |
Sainte Anne de Port-Bouët (Abidjan) |
St Anthony (Kololi) |
St Austin (Nairobi) |
St Catherine of Siena (Nairobi) |
St Charles Borromeo (Victory Park North Johannesburg) |
St Ignatius (Lusaka) |
St Kizitos (Bakoteh) |
St Louis (Oujda) |
St Maria Goretti (Riverlea) |
St Michel (Bujumbura) |
St Patrick (Rose-Hill) |
St Peter (Lamin) |
St Therese (Kanifing) |
Ste Anne (Praslin) |
Twelve Apostles (Abuja) |
كاتدرائية القديس سبريان (St Cyprien of Carthage La Marsa) |
Setswana |
Cathedral of Christ the King (Gaborone) |
Français |
Cathedrale de Andohalo (Cathedral of the Immaculée Conception) |
Kirundi |
Cathédrale Regina Mundi (Bujumbura) |
English |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
English |
Immaculate Conception (Benghazi) |
Chichqwa |
Maula Cathedral (Lilongwe) |
Français |
Notre Dame de Fatima (Kinshasa) |
Español |
Notre Dame de la Victoire (Tetouan) |
Kiswahili |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Adams Circle) |
Kirundi |
Saint Sauveur (Nyakabiga) |
Português |
St Anne (Central Johannesburg) |
English |
St Charles Lwanga (Ntinda) |
English |
St Francis (Tripoli) |
Kiswahili |
St Francis Xavier (Parklands) |
Arabic |
St Joseph (Cairo) |
Français |
كاتدرائية البازيليك بهليوبليس مصر الجديدة (Basilica Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral) |
English |
كنيسة القديس أغسطينوس و القديس فيديليس بحلق الواد (St Augustin et St Fidèle La Goulette) |
Coptic |
كنيسة سانت تريزا (Basilica of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus) |
English |
መንፈስ ቅዱስ አዳኝ ቤተ ክርስቲያን (Holy Savior) |
10:15 |
Holy Family (Abuja) |
children |
Twelve Apostles (Abuja) |
10:30 |
Carmel St Joseph Oasis (Casablanca) |
Cathedral of the Child Jesus (Lusaka) |
Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Lagos) |
Cathedrale Notre Dame Mediatrice (Matadi) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de l’Assomption (Cathedral St Marie Libreville) |
Cathédrale du Souvenir Africain (Dakar) |
Christ Roi (Kenitra) |
Christ the King (Cantonments) |
Good Shepherd (Siteki) |
Holy Martyrs (Marrakesh) |
Immaculate Conception (Rosebank) |
Notre Dame de l'Assomption (Tanger) |
Notre Dame de l'Assomption (Bizerte) |
Nuestra Señora de Nazaret (Luanda) |
Our Lady of the Assumption (Brooklyn) |
Sacred Heart (Green Point) |
Saint Bernard (El Jadida) |
Saint François d'Assise (Fes) |
Saint Jacques (Mohammedia) |
Saint Paul (Beni-Mellal) |
Sainte Thérese de Marcory (Abidjan) |
St Dominique (Dakar) |
St Joseph (Goodwood) |
St Paul (Chipata Compound) |
Star of the Sea (Bakau) |
São Francisco Xavier (Luanda) |
كنيسة القديس يوسف بجربة (St Joseph Djerba) |
Italiano |
Christ-Roi (Casablanca) |
Siswati |
Mater Dolorosa (Mbabane) |
Kirundi |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Gihosha) |
English |
St Clare (Cairo) |
10:40 |
English |
St Marien Kathedrale (Cathedral of St Mary Windhoek) |
10:45 |
Saint Laurent de Yop Koute (Abidjan) |
Swahili |
Cathedral of St Joseph (Dar es Salaam) |
11:00 |
Assumption of Mary (Umoja One) |
Bon Pastor (Abidjan) |
Cathedral de St Pierre (Rabat) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires (Yaoundé) |
Cathédrale Saint Esprit (Tanger) |
Divine Mercy (Lekki) |
Holy Rosary (Wuse) |
Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Luanda) |
Notre Dame de Lourdes (Casablanca) |
Notre Dame de l'Assomption (Essaouira) |
Notre Dame de l'Atlas (Midelt) |
Notre Dame de la Tendresse (Cocody) |
Notre Dame de la Trinité (Saint-Denis) |
Notre Dame des Anges (Ouakam) |
Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Larache) |
Our Lady of Consolata (Nairobi) |
Our Lady of Fatima (Aguda Surulere) |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Cotonou) |
Saint Paul des Lauriers (Faya) |
Sainte Thérèse (Ouarzazate) |
San José (Al Hoceima) |
Santiago el Mayor (Nador) |
St Dominic (Yaba) |
St Francis of Assisi (Yeoville) |
St Jude (Donholm) |
São Paulo (Luanda) |
أبرشية ڨابس (L’Immaculee Conception Gabes) |
كنيسة الحمامات (Bienheureux Antoine Neyrot Hammamet) |
various |
Cathedral of Christ the King (Berea) |
siSwati |
Cathedral of Our Lady of Assumption (Manzini) |
Kiswahili |
Cathedral of the Holy Ghost (Mombasa) |
English |
Cathedral of the Navitity of the BVM (Addis Ababa) |
English |
Cathédrale Saints Pierre et Paul (Parakou) |
English |
Cathédrale de Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours (Niamey) |
Français |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
English |
Chapelle de Croix Glorieuse (Accart-Ville Bobo-Dioulasso) |
English |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
1st Sun, Latin |
Maula Cathedral (Lilongwe) |
Français |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
English |
Our Lady of Africa (Mbuya Hill) |
Français |
Sacré Coeur (Gombe) |
English |
Sainte Anne de Port-Bouët (Abidjan) |
English |
Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus (Plaisance Mahé) |
Español |
St François d'Assise (Rabat) |
Shona |
St Gerard (Borrowdale) |
2nd Sun, Arabic |
St Joan of Arc (Tunis) |
Français |
St Joseph (Zamalek) |
Français |
كاتدرائية القديس فنسون دو بول والقديسة أوليفيا (Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul Tunis) |
Sudanese |
كنيسة العائلة المقدسة الكاثوليكية (Holy Family Maadi) |
English |
كنيسة القلب الأقدس للاجئين السودانيين (Sacred Heart Abbyssia) |
Français |
كنيسة القلب المقدس (Sacred Heart Alexandria) |
11:15 |
English |
Cathédrale du Sacré Coeur de Jésus (Lomé) |
11:30 |
Cathedral of the Holy Family (Nairobi) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Miséricorde (Cotonou) |
Chapel of St Paul (Nairobi) |
Our Lady Queen of Peace (South B) |
Saint Pierre des Baobabs (Dakar) |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
St Austin (Nairobi) |
St Ignatius (Lusaka) |
St Paul (Benin City) |
كنيسة القديس فيلكس (St Felix Sousse) |
English |
Cathedral of St Joseph (Dar es Salaam) |
Shona |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Harare) |
Français |
Cathédrale Ste Anne (Kinshasa) |
Kiswahili |
Don Bosco Shrine Mary of Help of Christians (Nairobi) |
Latin |
Notre Dame de Fatima (Kinshasa) |
Français |
Notre Dame de la Victoire (Tetouan) |
Luganda |
St Charles Lwanga (Ntinda) |
12:00 |
Assumption (Falomo) |
Holy Trinity (Kileleshwa) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Adams Circle) |
Our Lady of the Rosary (Nairobi) |
St Francis Xavier (Parklands) |
St Michel (Bujumbura) |
كاتدرائية سانت كاترين (Cathedral of St Catherine Alexandria) |
English |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
Kiswahili |
St Catherine of Siena (Nairobi) |
English |
St Francis (Tripoli) |
Italiano |
St Joseph (Cairo) |
12:30 |
Kiswahili |
Cathedral of the Holy Ghost (Mombasa) |
English |
Holy Martyrs (Marrakesh) |
English |
St Dominique (Dakar) |
13:00 |
Our Lady of Consolata (Nairobi) |
Français |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Harare) |
English |
Our Lady of Africa (Mbuya Hill) |
English |
St Charles Lwanga (Ntinda) |
14:00 |
Sotho/Zulu |
St Charles Borromeo (Victory Park North Johannesburg) |
15:00 |
Setswana |
Immaculate Conception (Rosebank) |
2nd 4th Sun,Français |
Most Holy Redeemer (Bergvliet) |
16:00 |
Kirundi |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Gihosha) |
16:30 |
St Michel (Bujumbura) |
English |
Bon Pasteur (Mont Fleuri Mahé) |
Swahili |
Cathedral of St Joseph (Dar es Salaam) |
English |
St Joseph (Cairo) |
17:00 |
Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires (Yaoundé) |
Cathédrale de St Denis (Saint-Denis) |
Don Bosco Shrine Mary of Help of Christians (Nairobi) |
Holy Trinity (Kileleshwa) |
Maula Cathedral (Lilongwe) |
Ste Claire (Goodlands) |
Kiswahili |
Cathedral of the Holy Ghost (Mombasa) |
3rd Sun,Français |
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Adabraka) |
Français |
Cathédrale Regina Mundi (Bujumbura) |
charismatic |
Christ the King (Kampala) |
English/Italiano |
Immaculate Conception (Benghazi) |
English |
Notre Dame de Fatima (Kinshasa) |
charismatic |
Our Lady of Africa (Mbuya Hill) |
Français |
Sacré Coeur (Gombe) |
Kirundi |
Saint Sauveur (Nyakabiga) |
English |
St Charles Lwanga (Ntinda) |
English |
St Dominic (Kigali) |
English/Italiano |
St Francis (Tripoli) |
Español |
St Joseph (Zamalek) |
Español |
كنيسة العائلة المقدسة الكاثوليكية (Holy Family Maadi) |
17:30 |
Cathedral of the Holy Family (Nairobi) |
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Harare) |
Cathedrale Notre Dame Mediatrice (Matadi) |
Chapel of St Paul (Nairobi) |
Corpus Christi (Wynberg) |
Our Lady of Consolata (Nairobi) |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Adams Circle) |
Our Lady of the Rosary (Nairobi) |
Our Lady of the Visitation (Constantia) |
St Charles Borromeo (Victory Park North Johannesburg) |
St Francis Xavier (Parklands) |
St Ignatius (Lusaka) |
St Paul (Benin City) |
18:00 |
Assumption (Falomo) |
Basilique Notre Dame D'Afrique (Algiers) |
Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Lagos) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de l’Assomption (Cathedral St Marie Libreville) |
Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Bon-Pasteur (Djibouti) |
Cathédrale Saints Pierre et Paul (Parakou) |
Cathédrale du Sacré Coeur de Jésus (Lomé) |
Chapelle (Annaba) |
Christ the King (Cantonments) |
Divine Mercy (Lekki) |
Holy Family (Abuja) |
Holy Trinity (Central Johannesburg) |
Immaculate Conception (Rosebank) |
Immaculate Conception (Aswan) |
Immaculée Conception de Nyékonakpoè (Lomé) |
Most Holy Redeemer (Bergvliet) |
Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Sé Catedral (Maputo) |
Notre Dame de la Tendresse (Cocody) |
Our Lady of Fatima (Aguda Surulere) |
Saint Laurent de Yop Koute (Abidjan) |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
St Francis of Assisi (Yeoville) |
St Marien Kathedrale (Cathedral of St Mary Windhoek) |
St Michael (Rondebosch) |
St Pierre Apôtre de Bassadji (Lomé) |
São Paulo (Luanda) |
كنيسة سان انطوان للفرنسسكان باكوس (St Anthony of Padua Alexandria) |
Français |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Lourdes (Bobo-Dioulasso) |
Oct-Mar, Français |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
Oct-Mar, Français |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
English |
St Joseph (Zamalek) |
Arab/Italian |
كنيسة القلب المقدس (Sacred Heart Alexandria) |
Français |
كنيسة قلب يسوع (Cordi Jesu Cairo) |
18:15 |
Cathédrale Sainte-Marie (Oran) |
Ss Mulumba & David (Lagos) |
18:30 |
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Adabraka) |
Chapelle Marie du Magnificat (Taroudannt) |
Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Luanda) |
Notre Dame de Mauritanie (Nouadhibou) |
Nuestra Señora de Nazaret (Luanda) |
Saint Pierre des Baobabs (Dakar) |
St Dominic (Yaba) |
St Dominique (Dakar) |
St Eugenia (Port Said) |
St Joseph (Médina) |
St Peter Claver (Lagos) |
Français |
Cathédrale Ste Anne (Kinshasa) |
Mar-Oct, Français |
Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception (Ouagadougou) |
Mar-Oct, Français |
Notre Dame Kologh Nab (Ouagadougou) |
Français |
St Joseph (Cairo) |
Français |
St Pierre (Goughin) |
Arabic |
كاتدرائية البازيليك بهليوبليس مصر الجديدة (Basilica Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral) |
English |
كنيسة العائلة المقدسة الكاثوليكية (Holy Family Maadi) |
19:00 |
Bon Pastor (Abidjan) |
Cathédrale Notre Dame de Miséricorde (Cotonou) |
Cathédrale Sainte Anne (Gagnoa) |
Cathédrale de Saint Joseph de Baleng (Bafoussam) |
Notre Dame d’Egypte (Jesuits) |
Saint Jean Baptiste (Cotonou) |
Sainte Thérese de Marcory (Abidjan) |
Français |
St Joseph (Zamalek) |
Arabic |
كنيسة القلب الأقدس للاجئين السودانيين (Sacred Heart Abbyssia) |
19:30 |
English |
كنيسة القلب المقدس (Sacred Heart Alexandria) |
20:00 |
Français |
كاتدرائية البازيليك بهليوبليس مصر الجديدة (Basilica Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral) |