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Mapo-gu 마포구: vasárnapi szentmisék

3.00pm (vigil)

상암동 본 (Our Lady of Peace Sangam Seoul)

성산동 성당 (Korea Martyrs Seogyo)

4.00pm (vigil)

신수동 본당 (St John the Evangelist Sinsu-dong)

염리동 (St Benedict Seoul)

6.00pm (vigil)

공덕동 (Christ the King Gongdeok)

성산동 성당 (Korea Martyrs Seogyo)

신수동 본당 (St John the Evangelist Sinsu-dong)

염리동 (St Benedict Seoul)

찾아오시는길 (103 Korean Martyrs Seogyo-dong Seoul)

6.30pm (vigil)

대흥동 (St Francis Choi Kyung-hwan Daeheungdong Seoul)

7.00pm (vigil)

상암동 본 (Our Lady of Peace Sangam Seoul)

성산2동성당 게시판 (Holy Family Seongsan-dong Seoul)


공덕동 (Christ the King Gongdeok)

성산동 성당 (Korea Martyrs Seogyo)

신수동 본당 (St John the Evangelist Sinsu-dong)

찾아오시는길 (103 Korean Martyrs Seogyo-dong Seoul)


성산2동성당 게시판 (Holy Family Seongsan-dong Seoul)


공덕동 (Christ the King Gongdeok)

상암동 본 (Our Lady of Peace Sangam Seoul)

성산2동성당 게시판 (Holy Family Seongsan-dong Seoul)

성산동 성당 (Korea Martyrs Seogyo)

신수동 본당 (St John the Evangelist Sinsu-dong)

찾아오시는길 (103 Korean Martyrs Seogyo-dong Seoul)


신수동 본당 (St John the Evangelist Sinsu-dong)


공덕동 (Christ the King Gongdeok)

대흥동 (St Francis Choi Kyung-hwan Daeheungdong Seoul)

상암동 본 (Our Lady of Peace Sangam Seoul)

성산2동성당 게시판 (Holy Family Seongsan-dong Seoul)

성산동 성당 (Korea Martyrs Seogyo)

신수동 본당 (St John the Evangelist Sinsu-dong)

염리동 (St Benedict Seoul)

찾아오시는길 (103 Korean Martyrs Seogyo-dong Seoul)


대흥동 (St Francis Choi Kyung-hwan Daeheungdong Seoul)


공덕동 (Christ the King Gongdeok)

상암동 본 (Our Lady of Peace Sangam Seoul)

성산동 성당 (Korea Martyrs Seogyo)

신수동 본당 (St John the Evangelist Sinsu-dong)

염리동 (St Benedict Seoul)

찾아오시는길 (103 Korean Martyrs Seogyo-dong Seoul)


대흥동 (St Francis Choi Kyung-hwan Daeheungdong Seoul)


성산2동성당 게시판 (Holy Family Seongsan-dong Seoul)