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Hetköznapi szentmisék: GB → Scotland → Perth & Kinross
Perth & Kinross: hétköznapi szentmisék: Szombat | Vasárnap | Kötelező ünnep
St Columba (Kirkton)
St Mary Magdalene (Perth)
St Fillan (Crieff)
St Pius X (Dundee)
Ss Leonard & Fergus (Dundee)
Our Lady of Good Counsel (Broughty Ferry)
Our Lady of Sorrows (Fintry)
St Stephen (Blairgowrie)
Our Lady of Lourdes (Perth)
St John the Baptist (Perth)
Ss Fillan & Alphonsus (Doune)
St James (Kinross)
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Auchterarder)
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Kinnoull)