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Iglesias en Wrocław

Cathedral of St John the Baptist (Wrocław)

Laborales: 06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 18:30

Sábados: 08:00, 09:00

Domingos: 07:00, 08:30, 10:00, 11:30, 13:00, 16:30, 18:30 (students), 21:00(June-August ONLY)

Monday-Friday 06.30-13.00, 17.00-19.00;
Saturday 08.00-13.00, 18.00-19.00;
Sunday at beginning of Mass

Situarse en un mapa | Streetview
plac Katedralny 18, Wrocław, 50-329

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Actualizado 15 junio 2021 Correcciones

Garrison Church of St Elizabeth (Wrocław)

Laborales: 07:00, 18:00

Domingos: 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 18:00

Situarse en un mapa | Streetview
Świętej Elżbiety 1/2, Wrocław, 50-001

Pagina web:

Actualizado 11 agosto 2021 Correcciones

St Wojciech (Wrocław)

Laborales: 07:00, 09:00, 12:00(convent), 17:00, 19:00

Domingos: 07:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:00, 16:00, 18:30, 20:00, 21:30

Situarse en un mapa | Streetview
plac Dominikański 2, Wrocław, 50-159

Pagina web:

Actualizado 16 agosto 2021 Correcciones