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Sunday Masses: Outside GB → Africa → South Africa
Sunday Masses in South Africa: Weekday | Saturday
Mater Doloroso (Kensington)
Our Lady of the Rosary (Ruyterwacht)
St Michael (Rondebosch)
Corpus Christi (Wynberg)
Our Lady of Good Hope (Sea Point)
Our Lady of the Visitation (Constantia)
St Anne (Central Johannesburg)
St Anthony (Coronationville)
St Charles Borromeo (Victory Park North Johannesburg)
St Francis Xavier (Martindale)
St Francis of Assisi (Yeoville)
St Joseph (Goodwood)
St Luke (Factreton)
Immaculate Conception (Rosebank)
Most Holy Redeemer (Bergvliet)
St Margaret Mary (Green Point)
St Maria Goretti (Riverlea)
Cathedral of Christ the King (Berea)
Holy Trinity (Central Johannesburg)
Holy Name (Observatory)
Our Lady of the Assumption (Brooklyn)
Sacred Heart (Green Point)
2nd4th Sun,Français