Churches in Zagreb

Majka Božja Lurdska (Our Lady of Lourdes Zagreb)

Weekday: 7.00am, 8.00am, 7.00pm

Saturday: 7.00am, 8.00am

Sunday: 7.00pm (vigil), 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.00am, 11.30am, 7.00pm

Confessions: during Mass

Locate on Map | Streetview
Vrbanićeva 35, Zagreb, 10000

Tel: +385 1 4660 555

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 21st May 2021 Report Corrections

Bazilika Srca Isusova (Zagreb)

Locate on Map | Streetview
Palmotićeva 33, Zagreb, 10001

No Masses whilst church renovations in progress

Tel: 01 4803 050

Link to church website:

Last updated on Saturday, 27th May 2023 Report Corrections

Katedrala Marijina Uznesenja (Zagreb)

Locate on Map | Streetview
Kaptol 31, Zagreb, 10000

closed due to earthquake damage

Tel: +385 1 4814 727

Link to church website:

Last updated on Thursday, 13th January 2022 Report Corrections

Sv Antun Padovanski (Zagreb)

Weekday: 7.00am, 7.00pm

Sunday: 7.30am, 9.00am(winter), 10.30am, 12.00pm(winter), 7.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Sveti Duh 31, Zagreb, 10000

winter = 1-Sep to 18-Jun

Tel: +385 1 3771 555

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 21st May 2021 Report Corrections

Sv Blaž (Zagreb)

Weekday: 7.00am, 6.30pm

Saturday: 7.00am

Sunday: 6.30pm(vigil); 8.00am, 9.30am(NOT July-Aug), 11.00am 12.30pm(English)

Locate on Map | Streetview
Prilaz Gjure Deželića 64, Zagreb, 10000

Tel: +385 1 3770 102 / 056

Link to church website:

Last updated on Thursday, 20th May 2021 Report Corrections

Sv Josip (Zagreb)

Weekday: 7.30am, 7.00pm

Sunday: 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am, 12.00pm, 6.00pm, 7.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Trakošćanska 47, Zagreb, 10110

Tel: +385 1 3097 878

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 21st May 2021 Report Corrections

Sv Marko (Zagreb)

Weekday: 6.00pm

Sunday: 6.30pm (vigil), 10.30am, 6.00pm

Holyday of Obligation: 10.30am, 6.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Trg sv. Marka 5, Zagreb, 10000

Tel: +385 1 4851 611

Link to church website:

Alternative website:

Last updated on Friday, 21st May 2021 Report Corrections

Sv Petar (Zagreb)

Weekday: 6.30am(6.00am during Advent), 7.30am

Saturday: 7.30am(6.00am during Advent)

Sunday: 7.30pm(vigil); 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.15am, 11.30am, 5.00pm, 6.30pm

Holyday of Obligation: 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.15am, 11.30am, 5.00pm, 6.30pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Vlaška 93, Zagreb, 10000

Tel: +385 1 4633 533 / 4

Link to church website:

Last updated on Friday, 21st May 2021 Report Corrections

Sveta Obitelj (Zagreb)

Weekday: 7.00am(NOT Jul-Aug), 7.00pm

Saturday: 7.00am

Sunday: 7.00pm(vigil); 7.30am, 9.00am(NOT Jul-Aug), 10.30am, 12.00pm(NOT Jul-Aug), 7.00pm

Locate on Map | Streetview
Av. Marina Držića 31, Zagreb, 10000

Tel: +385 1 6180 268

Link to church website:

Last updated on Sunday, 14th July 2024 Report Corrections