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Dia Santo: GB → Central England → Midlands → Coventry
Missas em Dias Santos em Coventry: Dia da semana | Sábado | Domingo
St Thomas More (Coventry)
Most Holy Sacrament & St Osburg (Coventry)
St Augustine of Canterbury (Coventry)
Holy Family (Coventry)
St Elizabeth (Coventry)
St John Fisher (Coventry)
Christ the King & Our Lady of Lourdes (Coventry)
Precious Blood & All Souls (Coventry)
Sacred Heart (Coventry)
Ss Mary & Benedict (Coventry)
Our Lady of the Assumption (Coventry)
St Stanislaus Kostka (Polish church Coventry)
Corpus Christi (Coventry)
St Joseph the Worker (Coventry)