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While public Mass is not being celebrated you can attend Masses being streamed online

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Tôt Midi Soirée

[Text site]
Click here to revert to the previously used style of displaying Mass time information i.e. via a menu approach

[Link to this page]
Click here in order to display what link should be used to access the currently displayed map area. This could be used to send a link to someone else or to bookmark the most useful area.

New Location
Enter a place name or post code information to redisplay the map around that location.

Red 'pins'
Show the location of the churches for which Mass time information is shown. Clicking on one of these pins will reveal more information regarding the church.

Grey 'pins'
Show the location of the churches for which no Mass is available at the times shown on the right. Clicking on one of these pins will reveal more information regarding the church.

Blue 'pins'
Show other churches for which Mass information is available for another website (i.e. external to Click on the blue 'pin' and the relevant church's webpage will be opened within a new widow.

Weekdays / Saturdays / Sundays / HDOs [Holy Days of Obligation]
Click on the relevant box to display Mass times for churches within the area displayed by the current map
Click on a specific church row (within a particular Mass time) and the relevant red 'pin' will change to yellow.

Times of Day
Select one or more hours to display only masses at those times. The wider spread of hours are a convenience for selecting common times of day with one click. Churches without masses within these times are greyed-out on the map.
