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Messes du samedi: Outside GB → Europe → Ireland → Cork
Messes de samedi dans Cork: jour de semaine | dimanche | fête de précepte
Priory of St Mary (Dominicans)
Holy Trinity (Fr Mathew Memorial)
St Augustine (Cork City)
Assumption (Ballyphehane)
Our Lady Star of the Sea (Lislevane)
Ascension (Gurranabraher)
Carmelite Friary (Kinsale)
Descent of the Holy Spirit (Dennehys Cross)
Most Holy Rosary (Midleton)
Our Lady Conceived Without Sin (Our Lady Conceived Without Sin)
Sacred Heart (Drinagh)
St Finbarr (Bantry)
St Joseph (Wilton)
St Mary (Youghal)
St Patrick (Fermoy)
St Patrick (Kilbrittain)
St Vincent (Sunday's Well)
Cathedral of St Mary & St Anne (Cork)
Franciscan Friary (Cork City)
Sacred Heart (Cork)
Immaculate Conception (Cork)